Love and Politics: How Successful Couples Manage Their Differences
Are you one of those rare people who hasn’t had an argument with someone about politics?
How about someone close to you? Like maybe your spouse or partner?
When it comes to politics, there’s not much that my husband and I agree on.
And we’re by no means the only ones.
According to a recent Pew report, political affiliation has become the […]
Self-Compassion is the New Self-Esteem: How to Not Be So Mean to Yourself.
This year I started asking my clients three questions at the end of every counseling session. (more…)
Estranged From Your Adult Child? Try These New Evidence-Based Strategies
Do you have a close family member with whom you currently have no contact? (more…)
Do This To Save Your Marriage- Part 2: Learn to Complain Well
When was the last time you had a disagreement, an argument, or a big fight with your spouse or partner? Was it the same ongoing disagreement you’ve had over and over? (more…)
Do This to Save Your Marriage: How to Stay Calm and Speak Up.
Wife (taking her seat): I think I’m done.
Husband (looking confused): With what?
Wife: The marriage. I think I’m done with the marriage… It’s not working. (more…)
Blindsided by Estrangement: Can You Love Your Child Right Out of Your Life?
Blindsided by Estrangement: Can You Love Your Child Right Out Of Your Life?
Abuse? Neglect? It’s easy to understand why an adult child decides to have nothing to do with a parent who subjected them to either.
Parental alienation from a messy divorce? When kids are forced to choose sides, it’s no surprise that adult-child estrangement is an unfortunate […]
The Relationship Pulse Check: A Ridiculously Easy Way to Reconnect and Recharge
The Relationship Pulse Check is more than a “date night” bandaid approach to connecting with your partner. Think of it as a way to safeguard your connection and supercharge what makes it special. (more…)
Dead Certain You’re Unhappy, But Dead Set Against Divorce?
Miserable in your marriage? These days it’s easy to feel disappointed when a spouse doesn’t live up to our overload of expectations: best friend, workout buddy, hot sex partner, confidante, mentor, financial planner, and life coach all rolled into one.