This year I started asking my clients three questions at the end of every counseling session. (more…)
Suicidal Thoughts? They’re Not a Good Predictor of Suicide
Thinking about suicide is not a very good predictor of a suicide attempt. Thinking about suicide isn’t even one of the eight big risk factors for a suicide attempt. (more…)
My Father, Money and Me
Several years ago, the church I attended tried something new. A member of the congregation, rather than the minister, would deliver the customary offertory message during the Sunday morning contemporary service. It’s the part of the worship service that involves the opening up of wallets, purses, and checkbooks — and nowadays maybe even an app on your […]
When Mother’s Day Hurts
Whether it’s low contact or no contact, Mother’s Day is one of the hardest days of the year for mothers estranged from a son or daughter. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the current epidemic of estrangement from an adult child, it’s this. The ordinarily reliable norms and guidelines we use to navigate any other interpersonal breakdown successfully […]
The Easiest Way to Change Something About Yourself
Dilemmas are different from ordinary problems.
Problems have solutions. Dilemmas are more about resolution than solution. (more…)
Estranged From Your Adult Child: The Last Thing You Ever Expected
Holidays, birthdays and other family-oriented times of the year can be a time of heartache for parents whose adult children have cut them off — and the growing phenomenon is much more common than our idealized notions about family would have us believe.
How to Make Peace with Your Parents — And Just About Anybody Else
“It’s always something or your mother,” as Wynona Judd is fond of saying. I guess she should know. She and her mother Naomi Judd were one of the most successful duos in country music history, and the backstory of their complicated relationship has been well documented on reality TV.
How Treating Your Spouse Like a Stranger Can Improve Your Relationship
“Go out on a date together,” marriage counselors encourage couples. A good idea in theory, right? (more…)