This year I started asking my clients three questions at the end of every counseling session. (more…)
My Father, Money and Me
Several years ago, the church I attended tried something new. A member of the congregation, rather than the minister, would deliver the customary offertory message during the Sunday morning contemporary service. It’s the part of the worship service that involves the opening up of wallets, purses, and checkbooks — and nowadays maybe even an app on your […]
Do This Before You Make Any New Year’s Resolutions
I stopped doing New Year’s resolutions a few years ago. So why am I back at it again? Because I do something else first. (more…)
How Givers Get Ahead — Way Ahead
I couldn’t help but be surprised when I heard Dr. Alex Gerrasimides mention that her husband, Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer, encountered some blowback when he signed a resolution committing to a multi-year Compassionate Louisville campaign on November 11, 2011.