campus sex - LifeWise by Dr. Jan Anderson

campus sex

  • HOOKUP NATION: Why Has Hooking Up Replaced Dating? HOOKUP NATION: Why Has Hooking Up Replaced Dating?

    HOOKUP NATION: Why Has Hooking Up Replaced Dating?

HOOKUP NATION: Why Has Hooking Up Replaced Dating?

Whether you’re concerned about the young men and women in your life, reflecting on your own experiences, or contemplating the future of love and sex in general, you can’t help but wonder what’s driving the widespread cultural shift to hooking up versus dating.  Why do young women engage in behaviors that often appear to be unsatisfying, coercive and risky?  […]

By |August, 8th, 2015|Love & Marriage|Comments Off on HOOKUP NATION: Why Has Hooking Up Replaced Dating?
  • HOOKING UP IS THE NEW DATING: Here’s What You Need to Know About College Hookup Culture HOOKING UP IS THE NEW DATING: Here’s What You Need to Know About College Hookup Culture

    HOOKING UP IS THE NEW DATING: Here’s What You Need to Know About College Hookup Culture

HOOKING UP IS THE NEW DATING: Here’s What You Need to Know About College Hookup Culture

There’s been over a decade of solid research on “hooking up” — uncommitted sexual encounters that involve anything from kissing and touching to oral sex to penetrative sex— among college students.  There’s a lot we know… and a lot we have to learn.

By |June, 2nd, 2015|Love & Marriage|Comments Off on HOOKING UP IS THE NEW DATING: Here’s What You Need to Know About College Hookup Culture